Diet therapy is not limited to weight loss only. In fact, it can prevent and treat a whole range of different diseases, with very different characteristics and the diet may depend on the nature of the disorder treated. If you are suffering from any disorder or disease like PCOD, diabetes, thyroid, constipation, IBS, cardiac problem, renal insufficiency, lactose intolerance etc., it can be managed with the diet. Depending on the pathology you may suffer from, foods that cause damage are excluded, while those that can cure or prevent the disease are included. A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the intake of certain foods or nutrients. It is part of the treatment of a medical condition and are normally prescribed by a physician and planned by a dietician.

Note: Do not expect any magic or a miracle which may cure your disease or disorder within a day or two. It is natural & slow process which heals your disease from root. Some of the diseases may not be fully reversed but yes it can managed with healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

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